Orange Blossom Trail Revisited
Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 7:22PM
A few other images from my last trip down to OBT. I went through my photos this week and thought about my time down there. I realized that I felt confident in my place there (scared, but confident) until my friends and family started expressing their concern for my safety and well-being. That's when I started to take my foot off of the throttle. The same thing happened to me in Kosovo.
That's not their fault. It's our friends job to be checks. I think that if it was really that important to me, I would have not balked at the suggestion that wandering around in a dangerous neighborhood with two DSLRs hanging around my neck, was a bad idea. I wonder if I was looking for a way out. I also wonder what is happening with this guy.[/column]
Reader Comments (2)
wow, the way this loaded line by line was terrifying. had no clue what was going to emerge. great photos here.
Dude, thanks Kari. I didn't mean to keep the reader in the dark but I see what you mean.